The interesting thing is that when caught, they always say the same thing.
James Frey said: "People cope with adversity in many different ways, ways that are deeply personal. My mistake, and it is one I deeply regret, is writing about the person I created in my mind to help me cope, and not the person who went through the experience."
Misha Defonseca said: "The story of 'Misha' is not actual reality, but was my reality, my way of surviving," and at times she "found it difficult to differentiate between what was real and what was part of my imagination."
One could say that these are valid pontifications regarding the nature of the Self and the construction of identity. If one were inclined to be an asshole. It's actually just a really nice therapeutic way of saying "I told the lie so much, I came to believe it myself." But that’s as much as I feel like saying, and that’s neither here nor there.
In other news, I headed out to the remains of Midnight Records and talked business with a curious gentleman. I also picked up an LP of The Way We Feel by Complex, an excellent album with a poorly designed cover:

I was back in NYC years ago for a visit and stayed in Chelsea at the famous Chelsea Hotel, where Sid and others hung their hats. I tried to visit the Midnight records store, but they were never open. Later, i heard they were only doing phone/on-line orders. So, in trying to help keep the small independent record shop open i called to order "psychedelic Minds/Heavy underground" but it was not in stock. I never heard from them again. So, have they finally closed their doors for good? That's sad because i remember them being a supporter of Plastic tales back in the day (the day for me was 1985 when i first heard of the show) Anyway, sorry to be long winded. I dig the blog.
A groovy band with a Colorado connection/ Chirco- Visitation put out by Gear Fab (now located in Denver) Check them out.
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